Carolina Savard's Kath and the Ghost of Hesbaye Manor

A gloomy secret at Nouzonville awaits you.

A young girl can change everything and you will be the witness of a battle between good and evil, all for the loved one. There is an old haunted mansion hidden in the surroundings of a little French town in which the most terrible ghosts inhabit, except Simon McGregor, a World War II spirit who does not like his life imprisoned between its walls.

A very strong bond will join the gal and the spirit, and because of that, she decides to clarify his death.

Could it be possible that a girl can beat Hesbaye Manor’s most malicious demon?

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(C) 2018-2023 Carolina Savard H. / Landesfes Ediciones. Used with permission.

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About this commission

Experience the mysteries of a mansion that enclose a gloomy secret, for the very first time in a revised English translation. Carolina Savard has put her trust on LIGHTBULB Atelier for the English translation, with the clear intention to conquer new audiences across the world.

This translation tried to be as precise as possible through the transformation of expressions and jokes that are normally lost in translation and the conversion of distances with the Imperial units standard.

LIGHTBULB held its commitment to respect the author's cosmovision by not releasing drastic changes without previous approval of Landesfes Ediciones.

This work was commissioned and took more than three years on its development, culminating with its delivery on October 20th, 2022. This is LIGHTBULB's first translation of a literary work. Now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
  Made the LIGHTBULB Way

LIGHTBULB Atelier proudly acknowledges the advancements of this translation thanks to Literature & Latte's technology. Scrivener for Windows 1.9 was used for the translation on computers as old as a 2004 IBM ThinkCentre 8171 running Windows XP!

This book was produced with our newest in-house production collection of tools: LIGHTBULB Communications.


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