Extras: Meet the Characters

Get into the world of Carolina Savard and meet the characters that made Kath and the Ghost of Hesbaye Manor possible.

This page is made based on the author's official information, which may change over time.

Katharine "Kath"

Katharine is a girl with a high level of sensibility towards the spiritual world. Always believing in the astral order of the universe, she does not have fear to ghosts. Right after a school trip to Nouzonville, she discovers something at Hesbaye Manor that changes her life.

Fun fact: she has a determined personality, Katharine does not give up easily.

Simon McGregor

Simon McGregor is Hesbaye Manor's most recent spirit. He should scare any intruder coming into the manor house, but he does not do that. His memory about his dead during war times is still blurry.

Fun fact: Simon loves reading.


The biggest mystery about Claus is what kind of ghost he is: a wandered or a floating bed sheet. Claus is Simon McGregor's best friend, he always give a word of advice whenever he needs guidance.

Fun fact: he looks like a floating bed sheet.


This white lady is the manor house's top scarer, do not let her beauty deceives you. Alongside Claus and McGregor, they are the visible face of Hesbaye Manor. It is advisable not to make her mad.

Fun fact: she tends to become jealous with any woman who approaches Simon.

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